The ATMD is headed by a Deputy General Manager and is responsible for the provision of air traffic management services including air traffic control service, airspace management and air traffic flow management within Yangon FIR.

The services are provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the following ICAOdocuments:

Annex 2 - Rules of the Air
Annex 11 - Air Traffic Services
Doc 4444 - Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Air Traffic Management (PANS-ATM)
Doc 8168 - Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS)
Doc 7030 - Regional Supplementary Procedures

Functions of Air Traffic Management Division under the DCA are as follows:

  • Provision of Air Traffic Services (ATS) to all arriving, departing & over flying aircraft over Myanmar  airspace.
  • Establishment of ATS routes, realignment of existing air routes in consultation with user airlines and international bodies such as IATA and ICAO.
  • Establishment of control zones and control areas and changes to existing control zones and areas.
  • Establishment of Danger / Prohibited and restricted areas and changes to mentioned areas in coordination with concerned Government Agencies.
  • Providing Search & Rescue coordination for aircraft in distress
  • Supervising and inspecting ATC units;
  • Ensuring that all units operate in accordance with approved policies, standards and procedures;
  • Assisting in investigating complaints, incidents, accidents, and breaches of air regulations and air navigation orders;
  • Resolving operational problems between regions and making recommendations concerning inter-unit problems, where required;ensuring appropriate distribution of responsibility and workload to regions or units;
  • Arranging for flight surveillance of ATS procedures, controller performance and the adequacy of air ground communications.

Functions of Air Traffic Services Standard and Training Section under ANSD are as follows:

  • implementing all aspects of the ATC training programme;
  • Co-ordinating the selection of personnel for training;
  • Co-ordinating medical examination programmes and developing required procedures;
  • Recommending action regarding employees who fail to acquire or to maintain the necessary proficiency;
  • Evaluating progress and potential of trainees;
  • Developing and revising training programmes to satisfy national requirements;
  • Reviewing training aids and material required for training programmes;
  • Conducting such liaison and familiarization with all regions or ATC units as is necessary to be thoroughly conversant with current requirements for training throughout the ATS branch;co-ordinating with other branches as required;
  • Where adopted as policy, arranging familiarization flights and inter-unit liaison visits.
  • Manpower Planning, training and award of ratings to Air Traffic Controllers in conformity with ICAO rules and regulations as stated in Annex 1 (Personnel Licensing).
  • Monitoring of standards and procedures in the provision of Air Traffic Services.
  • Investigation of Air Traffic Incidents in coordination with DGCA and taking corrective action thereupon.
  • Matters related to Aviation Security.
  • Monitoring of environmental hazards at airports.

Roles and responsibilities of Air Traffic Management Division

ATM services include provision of Air Traffic Control, Air Traffic  Flow management and management of ATC licensing and training.

The ATM Division oversees corporate strategy, development of processes and procedures for safety and uniformity in the provision of air traffic services, strategic supervision of the provision of air traffic services, training and rating of air traffic controllers, including refresher training, coordination with other concerned organizations outside Myanmar.

  • a) Area Control Centre:
    • Area Control Centre has been established at Yangon operates for 24 hours as published in AIP Myanmar.
  • b) Approach control units and Aerodrome Control Towers:
    • Separate Approach control units and aerodrome control towers have been established at Yangon and Mandalay airports to provide Approach control and Aerodrome Control Service.
      The aerodrome control service provided by Aerodrome Control Tower at the controlled aerodromes is limited to airspace in the vicinity of the aerodrome & the maneuvering area of the aerodrome, which consist of all Aerodrome Control service separately.
    • Aerodrome control towers have been established at following airports to provide both aerodrome control service as well as approach control service:
      Dawei, Bagan, Heho, Myiitkyina and Sittwe. Details on hours of operation of these aerodrome control towers are published in Aeronautical Information Publications, Myanmar.
    • Aerodrome control towers where only aerodrome control service is provided to aerodrome traffic: Aniskan, Ann, Banmaw Bokpyinn, Hommalin, Hpa an, Kalay, Kanti Kawthoung, Kengtung, Kyaukpyu, Lashio,, Loikaw, Magway, Mawlamyine, Mong-hsat, Monywar, Myeik, Namsang, Naypyitaw, Panthein, Pakhokku, Putao, Tachileik, Taungoo, Thandwe.

Search and Rescue Coordination Centres and Units

Details of the Rescue Coordination Centers and related search and rescue units are given on page GEN 3.6-1 to GEN 3.6-3 of AIP Myanmar.

ATMD has established Yangon Rescue Coordination Centre (YRCC) at Control tower building since second half of 2010.

YRCC has evolved a Satellite Aided Search and Rescue Program participation in the COSPAS/SARSAT system. It operates on 121.5, 243.0 MHz and 406 MHz. Location accuracy is normally within 20 Kms on 121.5 and 243 MHz and 5 Km on 406 MHz. The system will detect transmission on these three frequencies through out the Myanmar.

Point of Contact:

Head of ATMD
ATC Operations Building
Yangon International Airport
Phone: +95 1 533041 , +951 533030 ext 459
Fax: +95 1 533 041

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