Standards and Safety Oversight Division (SSOD)
The role of the Standards and Safety Oversight Division is to develop a safe aviation environment in conjunction with the aviation industry, encouraging continual advancement in safety, in cooperation with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The Division is headed by a Director and responsible for taking part in drafting of civil aviation legislation, notifications, orders, directives, notices, circulars and certifying standards and guidelines for the industry. It follows and assesses to adequately meet the requirements set out in the standards and recommended practices of the international civil aviation organizations (ICAO) in view of incorporating them into national regulations.
The Division oversees the requirements for conducting examinations and their performance which is also responsible for issuance of certificates, licenses, ratings and authorizations to aviation personnel.
With the aim of creating a safe aviation environment in accordance with the international obligations, the Division is responsible for the oversight of the aviation industry. This continual oversight is maintained by performing inspections and audits in order to oversee the compliance with regulations and standards, as well as oversight of achieved safety performance.
The Division is in constant communication with the aviation industry by means of publishing guidelines, technical advisory notifications which pertain to the production, construction, use and maintenance of aircraft and aerodromes, and aviation personnel training.
The Division’s employees participate in accident and incident investigations, when needed.
The Division cooperates within the department and the general public in order to enhance the civil aviation safety and for the protection of public interest.
The Division employs a sufficient number of qualified, experienced and competent inspectors, auditors and associates capable of carrying out a wide spectrum of required activities in order to be able to successfully carry out the tasks within its competency.
The inspectors and other technical staff within the Division develop their proficiency and skills through basic and specialized training courses held at the department and other recognized international education centers.
SSOD Divisional Organization Chart
Myanmar Civil Aviation Requirement - Savety Management (MCAR - SM) (1stEd. 1 July 2017)
Head of Division:
Mr. Nyunt WIN
(National Continuous Monitoring Coordinator - NCMC)
Standards and Safety Oversight
DCA Myanmar
DCA H.Q, Yangon International Airport
Yangon 11021, Myanmar
Tel:+951 533072
eM: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.